Contact the Board

ACV Property Management should be contacted for all landscaping issues, your homeowner account status, selling your home notification, and emergencies.[email protected] —— 609-447–0131

Spicer Estates Officers:  WHO TO CONTACT

President:  General information about Spicer Estates.

Vice-President: If President is unavailable and for questions or concerns about Landscaping, Snow or Architectural Applications.  

Treasurer:  For questions about budget or finances. Homeowners must contact ACV for their account status. 

Secretary:    For information about running for Board Positions and for general information.

Trustees serve 2 year terms. Official nominations for the board of trustees are made at the November HOA meeting, ballots go out in December, and ballots are counted at the January meeting.  The board fills any vacancies that occur between elections.

Webmaster:  Manages website and posts news on the Community News page.

President: Perry Levin————- [email protected]

Vice President: Mike Lillo———[email protected]

Treasurer: Andy Nuyianes———[email protected]

Secretary: Judi Diepold————[email protected]

Trustee: Mary Ann Bryszewski—[email protected]