TRASH. Trash cart and recycling cart pickup is on Tuesdays. Carts may be put out on Monday evening, but must be returned into your garage by Tuesday evening. All trash carts, including yard waste carts, must be stored in your garage, not outdoors.
YARD WASTE CARTS. Harrison Township will provide a large brown cart for yard waste which may be placed out for pickup Tuesdays. Contact the Township if you would like a cart: phone 856-223-1308. These are somewhat bigger than the trash and recycle carts.
SIDEWALKS. Sidewalks are the private property of each lot owner and it is the responsibility of each homeowner to maintain their sidewalk in a safe condition. The HOA does not maintain or repair sidewalks. The Township sidewalk ordinance (see the ordinance on the Documents page) requires all homeowners to maintain their sidewalks in a safe condition. If someone is injured on your sidewalk, they will make a claim against your homeowner’s liability policy,
MOWING and SNOW REMOVAL. Send any complaints about landscaping work done by our landscaper for either mowing or snow removal to ACV Property Management.
MOWING. Mowing will be done on Tuesdays, weather permitting. Please do not use sprinklers on the mowing day or the day before to keep grass as dry as possible.
TREES. Please keep your trees and bushes in the front yards trimmed. Branches over sidewalks should be trimmed to be at least 6 feet from ground to allow pedestrians to use the sidewalk. Submit an Architectural Application using your ACV Resident Portal before removing or planting any trees.
HARRISON TOWNSHIP WEBSITE has a lot of useful information about local news, events, and recycling. Their website is
EMAIL ADDRESSES. Please provide the Board with your email address. Email is a quick and efficient way for us to distribute and important news and information. If you are in doubt about whether we have your email address, email the Secretary at [email protected] or by contacting the Secretary using the Contact the Board method on this website.
HOA GENERAL MEETINGS. Normally our HOA meetings are held on the third Wednesday in the months of January, March, May, September, and November. An email will be sent to all homeowners who have provided us with an email address and paper information dropped off at homes with an invitation to the meeting prior to the meeting.
Spicer Estates Board of Trustees, January, 2022